New Application for Security ID Card for ISS Parent/Guardian

New Application for Security ID Card for ISS Parent/Guardian All ISS International School parents/guardians are required to show their ISS Parent/Guardian security card when entering ISS buildings. ID cards must be shown to the guard on duty when entering ISS…

Replacement ID Card for Student/Parent/Guardian

Replacement ID Card for Student/Parent/Guardian Loss of ID card(s) for Student/ Parent/Guardian There is a $50 replacement fee (inclusive of 7% GST) for the loss of the student or Parent/Guardian Security ID Card. The process for replacement is as follows:…

Geneva, ISS Alumnus (Indonesia)

There are too many fond memories in ISS as I have spent five and a half year in this school. Some of them include being in the basketball team, jazz band, dance group, activity week in New Zealand, and MUN…

Erdal, ISS Alumnus (Turkey)

I hold many fond memories of the time when I was a student in ISS, such as the trip to Tioman in Grade 11 with my Biology class, winning the Athlete of the Year in 2014, and my Graduation Ceremony.…

ISS Celebrates

17 November 2020 ISS Deepavali Celebrations Here are some of the highlights over the past week as the ISS International School Singapore community participate in various activities to celebrate Deepavali! These include painting diya lamps, getting henna tattoos, creating rangoli…

Inquiry / Application Forms Thank You

Inquiry / Application Forms   Dear Sir / Madam, Thank you for your inquiry. We will get back to you shortly. Regards, ISS Admissions Team   尊敬的先生/女士, 感谢您的查询。我们会尽快给您回复。 此致敬意, ISS招生团队   친애하는 선생님 / 부인, 문의 해 주셔서 감사합니다. 잠시…

Kelvin, ISS Student (Indonesia)

I have been at ISS for 7 years and an area I would say I have definitely improved on would be my self-management skills, which includes organisational skills, time-management skills and more. This is all thanks to the projects and…

Ricardo, ISS Student (Panama)

I enjoy my time studying in ISS because of its inclusive and multinational culture and environment. My classmates came from all over the world, but despite our different cultures, the atmosphere was very friendly and there was no bullying! This…