Jeewoo, Grade 11 (South Korea)

Teachers at ISS have guided me to be a risk taker by creating an environment to encourage me to try new things. They do so by assuring me that it is okay to make mistakes, as long as I learn…

ISS Primary School Village Open House

Join us at the ISS Primary School Village open house! ISS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 21 Preston Road Singapore 109355 (Alexandra Neighbourhood) 9 April 2021, Friday First session starts at 9:55am ISS invites you to spend a morning at our treetop campus…

Whole School

Weekly Vlogs Each week, Head of School Dr. Alvarez and K-12 Principal Mr. Hayward summarises the week’s activities and key events, as well as shares important notices for upcoming events in our weekly vlogs. Follow us on our social media…

ISS PTA Online Webinar 2021

ISS PTA Online Webinar 2021 To usher in the new year, our ISS PTA has organised a 3-part online webinar, sharing powerful strategies to support your children throughout the new year, specially for our ISS community members. Three renowned speakers…

Getting to Know ISS

Click the images above to find out more about ISS and our learning community!…

Guiding Statements

Guiding Statements Our vision Educating to make a difference Our mission We support students to realise their potential by nurturing and inspiring them to act with care, think globally, and create sustainable change. Our values We believe: in developing independent…

Getting to Know ISS with Ms Song Peng与ISS中文老师宋鹏一起了解ISS国际学校.mp4   下载宣传册 2021-2022学费明细表 您好,ISS国际学校欢迎您。我叫宋鹏,在ISS国际学校担任小学和中学的中文老师。同学 们都叫我宋老师。 ISS国际学校是一间拥有近40年历史的国际学校。学校开设全IB课程。有三个学段的课程, 分别是IBDP (国际预科证书课程),IBMYP (中学项目)和 IBPYP(小学项目)。在IBPYP (小学项目)中还包括幼儿园学段。 非常特别的是,ISS是一间多元文化的国际学校。我们有来自世界50多个国家和地区的学 生。在学校,我们尊重每一位学生,为每一位学生负责。 在ISS国际学校,老师帮助学生们培养学习方法和探究技能,从而帮助学生解决学习中的 问题,完成学生的学习目标。学校也有额外的英文课程,帮助学生提高英文水平。除此之 外,学校还有Learning Support帮助学生解决各种学习中的困难。 The Learning Accelerator Programme,中文叫作‘学习助推器项目’,也是学生的个人学习项 目。老师和学生一起讨论,设定每个学科的学习目标,并定期反馈学习目标的达成情况。 这样激励了学生的学习能动性,学生在更清楚学习目标的前提下,学习起来更有动力了。 大家都知道新加坡是有名的花园城市。ISS国际学校就坐落在闹中取静的丛林当中,环境 优雅,恬静。学生更有机会跟大自然亲密的接触。 ISS的学生来自不同的国家和地区,有着不同的文化背景。学校举办了丰富多彩,来自各 种文化的庆祝活动,让学生能够听到不同的声音,体验不同的文化。例如学校有国际日, 印度的屠妖节庆祝,马来族的哈芝节庆祝,和华族的华人新年,中秋节等庆祝。 我非常开心能有机会与来自世界各地的同学们和同事们共同学习,交流文化,向大家介绍 中华文化。 谢谢您的关注。期待在ISS国际学校与您见面。   English Hello, ISS International School welcomes…

Getting to Know ISS with Mr Brian Kim

안녕하세요 여러분. ISS 국제학교에 관심을 가져주셔서 고맙습니다. 제 이름은 김옥준이며 저는 본교에서 한국어 과목을 가르치고 있습니다. ISS에 관해 알아보시기 위해 시간을 내주셔서 고맙습니다. 저희는 귀댁의 자녀가 저희 학교 공동체에 합류하기를 기대합니다. ISS는 싱가포르 내 IB 교과과정을 제공하는 국제학교 중 가장…

Monika Zimmerman, ISS Alumnus

  I studied at ISS 2008-2012 (9th grade-12th grade). It was the first time in my expat life I stayed at a school for the duration of ’the school’. My fondest memories and takeaways of my time at ISS are…