About Our High School
ISS International School Singapore offers the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) for students in Grades 6-10, focusing on developing students’ intellectual, social, emotional, and physical well-being.
Students in Grades 6 to 8 complete the full range of MYP subjects, ensuring a well-rounded education that promotes critical and reflective thinking. As they progress to Grades 9 and 10, ISS provides individualised pathways tailored to their unique learning needs. This personalised approach ensures that each student is adequately prepared for their next steps, whether they choose the IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) or the ISS High School Diploma (HSD) in Grades 11 and 12.
The MYP Curriculum
The MYP consists of eight subject groups: Language Acquisition, Language and Literature, Individuals and Societies, Sciences, Mathematics, Arts, Physical and Health Education, and Design.
Subjects offered for each Grade:
Arts – Drama
Arts – Music
Arts – Visual Arts
Individual and Societies
Language Acquisition – English
Language Acquisition – Mandarin
Language and Literature – English
Physical Education
Arts – Drama
Arts – Music
Arts – Visual Arts
Individual and Societies
Language Acquisition – English
Language Acquisition – Mandarin
Language and Literature – English
Language and Literature – Mandarin
Language and Literature – Mother Tongue
Physical Education
Arts – Drama
Arts – Music
Arts – Visual Arts
Individual and Societies
Language Acquisition – English
Language Acquisition – Mandarin
Language and Literature – English
Language and Literature – Mandarin
Language and Literature – Mother Tongue
Physical Education
Arts – Music
Arts – Visual Arts
Individual and Societies
Language Acquisition – English
Language Acquisition – Mandarin
Language and Literature – Chinese
Language and Literature – English
Language and Literature – Japanese
Language and Literature – Mother Tongue
Mathematics – Standard
Mathematics – Extended
Physical Education
Arts – Music
Arts – Visual Arts
Individual and Societies
Language Acquisition – English
Language Acquisition – Mandarin
Language and Literature – Chinese
Language and Literature – English
Language and Literature – Japanese
Language and Literature – Mother Tongue
Mathematics – Standard
Mathematics – Extended
Physical Education
The MYP curriculum comprises eight subject groups:
- Language and Literature – English, Mandarin, Japanese, Mother Tongue
- Language Acquisition – English, Mandarin
- Individuals and Societies
- Sciences
- Mathematics
- Arts – Drama, Music, Visual Arts
- Design (G6-8 only)
- Physical and Health Education
For detailed information about the MYP subject groups, visit the IB MYP Curriculum page.
The MYP is built around several core elements that align with the vision, mission, and values of ISS:
Teaching and Learning in Context: Students connect their learning to real-world experiences, using global contexts to explore issues of personal, local, and global significance.
Conceptual Understanding: Concepts serve as a framework for inquiry, allowing students to examine knowledge holistically.
Approaches to Learning (ATL): Students develop essential skills in social, thinking, research, communication, and self-management to enhance their learning.
Interdisciplinary Learning: Students engage in collaboratively planned units that integrate multiple subject areas. This approach encourages them to make connections between disciplines, fostering a deeper understanding of complex real-world issues and enhancing critical thinking skills.
Personal Project: In Grade 10, students undertake a significant independent project that allows them to explore a topic of personal interest. The Personal Project incorporates learning experiences from the 5 year MYP Programme, and encourages self-directed learning, critical thinking, and reflection, culminating in a presentation of their findings.
Service as Action: Students engage in community service, applying their classroom learning to make a positive impact on others and the environment.
Inclusion and Learning Diversity: ISS promotes an inclusive environment where all students can thrive, as outlined in the school’s Inclusion Policy and Learning Diversity Guidelines.
ISS International School is committed to an inclusive educational environment. Our Inclusion Policy aims to identify and remove barriers to learning for all students, ensuring that each learner receives the support they need to succeed. This policy emphasises:
– Creating a positive and strength-based environment.
– Implementing measures to assess and address learning barriers.
– Acknowledging and celebrating diversity in learning.
Our Learning Diversity Guidelines detail how ISS supports students with different learning needs. Students are assessed and placed into Levels of Adjustment based on their specific requirements, ensuring they receive appropriate accommodations and support. This includes differentiated instruction and individualised educational plans tailored to each student’s strengths and challenges.
For students learning English as an Additional Language (EAL), ISS incorporates strategies that align with our EAL and Language Guidelines. These guidelines ensure that EAL learners are supported in accessing the curriculum while developing their English proficiency. This commitment to inclusivity helps all students feel valued and capable of achieving their best.
ISS International School is committed to the IB’s eAssessment, which provides a modern, digital approach to evaluating student performance in the MYP. The eAssessment includes both on-screen examinations and the submission of coursework, allowing for a more flexible and comprehensive assessment of student learning. This method not only enhances the reliability and efficiency of assessments but also prepares students for future academic challenges in a technology-driven world. For more information about eAssessment, visit the IB eAssessment page.
The MYP at ISS is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in the IBDP and HSD. The curriculum emphasises:
Critical Thinking: Students learn to analyse and evaluate information, which is vital for the rigorous demands of the IBDP and HSD.
Interdisciplinary Learning: Engaging in collaborative projects across subjects prepares students for the integrated learning approach of the IBDP and HSD.
Personal Development: Through service projects and community engagement, students develop a sense of responsibility and global awareness, aligning with the values of both the IBDP and HSD.
By fostering a supportive environment and providing tailored educational pathways, ISS ensures that all students are well-prepared for their future academic journeys. For more information about the MYP, visit the IB MYP Overview page.
ISS International School is proud to be an IB MYP authorised school since June 2003. For more information about the IB Middle Years Programme at ISS International School, please email Dr. Dharshini Jeremiah, our Academic Director of Teaching and Learning.
The Diploma Programme (DP) is a rigorous pre-university course of study designed for students in the 16-19 age range. It is a broad-based two-year course that aims to encourage students to be knowledgeable and inquiring, but also caring and compassionate. There is a strong emphasis on encouraging students to develop intercultural understanding, open-mindedness, and the attitudes necessary for them to respect and evaluate a range of points of view.
We aim to provide access to the IB Diploma Programme to all students who show outstanding determination and motivation, and who have highly developed personal organisation and time-management skills. To that effect, we provide support for students whose first language is not English, and we frequently give students a chance to prove themselves if we believe they have the potential to succeed. This differentiated support has meant that over 95% of our students on the programme are awarded the IB Diploma, and our more able students continue to achieve top scores.
The IB Diploma Core
Biology (SL/HL)
Business Management (SL/HL)
Chemistry (SL/HL)
Chinese A Literature (HL/SL)
Chinese B
Computer Science (SL/HL)
Economics (SL/HL)
English A Language and Literature (SL/HL)
English B (SL/HL)
Environmental Systems and Societies (SL/HL)
French AB Initio SL
French B (SL/HL)
Japanese A Literature (HL/SL)
Korean A Literature (HL/SL)
Language A Literature (HL/SL)
Mandarin AB Initio SL
Mathematics Analysis and Approaches (HL/SL)
Mathematics Applications and Interpretations (SL/HL)
Music (SL/HL)
Physics (SL/HL)
Psychology (SL/HL)
Spanish AB Initio SL
Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
Visual Arts (SL/HL)
Biology (SL/HL)
Business Management (SL/HL)
Chemistry (SL/HL)
Chinese A Literature (HL/SL)
Chinese B
Computer Science (SL/HL)
Economics (SL/HL)
English A Language and Literature (SL/HL)
English B (SL/HL)
Environmental Systems and Societies (SL/HL)
French AB Initio SL
French B (SL/HL)
Japanese A Literature (HL/SL)
Korean A Literature (HL/SL)
Language A Literature (HL/SL)
Mandarin AB Initio SL
Mathematics Analysis and Approaches (HL/SL)
Mathematics Applications and Interpretations (SL/HL)
Music (SL/HL)
Physics (SL/HL)
Psychology (SL/HL)
Spanish AB Initio SL
Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
Visual Arts (SL/HL)
The curriculum is made up of the Diploma core and six subject groups. The DP core aims to broaden students ‘educational experience and challenge them to apply their knowledge and skills. For the subject groups, students choose a minimum of three or a maximum of four subjects at higher level, and the remaining at standard level. In ISS International School, the students choose subjects from the following subject groups:
- Language and Literature – English A Language and Literature, Mother Tongue Language A Literature
- Language Acquisition – English B, Chinese B
- Individuals and Societies – Business Management, Psychology
- Sciences – Physics, Chemistry, Biology
- Mathematics – Analysis and Approaches, Applications and Interpretation
- Arts – Visual Arts, Music
In addition to six academic subjects, students must complete a course in Theory of Knowledge (a critical thinking skills course), write an Extended Essay (an independent research-based assignment up to 4000 words), and participate in the Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) programme. These areas must be completed satisfactorily as part of the award requirements for the IB Diploma.
ISS places a strong emphasis on the IB Diploma Core components, as it is where students learn most about themselves and where many transferable skills are developed. Our CAS programme is particularly strong and we offer a wide range of after school activities and community service projects, together with unique service-oriented overnight trips, in order to give students abundant opportunities to fully participate in the spirit of CAS.
Students who do not require or who are not suited to the IB Diploma Programme will follow the IB Diploma Course Programme (DC). They will study six IB Diploma courses at either Higher or Standard Level, but do not have to choose a minimum of three courses at Higher Level. The requirements for each chosen subject are the same as those for IB Diploma students and every student sits for the same externally set examinations at the end of the two-year course. In addition, they complete two of the three IB Core components (Theory of Knowledge and CAS programme). Satisfactory completion of both components forms part of the requirements for successful graduation from ISS International School.
Academic integrity in the Diploma Programme is a set of values and behaviours informed by the attributes of the learner profile. In teaching, learning and assessment, academic integrity serves to promote personal integrity, engender respect for the integrity of others and their work, and ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to demonstrate the knowledge and skills they acquire during their studies.
All coursework – including work submitted for assessment — is to be authentic, based on the student’s individual and original ideas with the ideas and work of others fully acknowledged. Assessment tasks that require teachers to provide guidance to students or that require students to work collaboratively must be completed in full compliance with the detailed guidelines provided by the IB for the relevant subjects.
The Programme uses a variety of assessment methods to evaluate the content and the process of academic achievement and to take into account different learning styles and cultural patterns. Conventional external examination techniques are chosen from a range of options: oral and written, long and short responses, data-based questions, essays, and multiple choice questions. These are complemented by internal assessment of course work by the teachers responsible for evaluating students over the two-year period. With classroom teachers and international examiners working in partnership, students have ample opportunity to demonstrate what they know and are able to communicate.
Each examined subject in Groups 1 to 6 is graded on a scale of 1 (minimum) to 7 (maximum). Both Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay are graded on a scale from E (fail) to A (maximum).
The award of the IB Diploma requires:
- The students to meet defined standards and conditions including a minimum total of 24 points and the satisfactory completion of the Extended Essay, Theory of Knowledge course (TOK) and CAS (creativity, activity, service) activities.
- The students to gain a minimum of 12 points on Higher Level subjects. (For students who register for four Higher Level subjects, the three highest grades count.)
- The students to gain a minimum of 9 points on Standard Level subjects. (Students who register for two Standard Level subjects must gain at least 5 points at Standard Level.)
The maximum score of 45 points includes three bonus points for the combined maximum grades achieved in the Extended Essay and TOK.
IB graduates gain admission to a wide range of selective colleges and universities throughout the world. In North America, students with strong IB examination results may also receive advanced standing or course credit, depending upon the policy of the institution they are attending. In addition, formal agreements exist between the IB and many ministries of education. Information on the recognition of the IB Diploma Programme by universities and ministries throughout the world is available at www.ibo.org/recognition or from the school’s University Advisor.
ISS High School Diploma
The ISS High School Diploma (HSD) programme empowers students to take ownership of their educational journey by crafting a personalised pathway tailored to their academic and professional aspirations. This American-style, two-year programme is fully accredited and globally recognized, providing students with a rigorous and innovative platform that blends academic excellence with real-world application. Designed for senior students who seek to explore their interests, strengths, and passions, the HSD programme at ISS fosters critical thinking, encourages social responsibility, and equips students to become agents of change within their communities.
Subjects pursued in the ISS HSD
Chinese A Literature (HL/SL)
Chinese B
English A Language and Literature (SL/HL)
English B (HL/SL)
English for Academic Purposes
French AB Initio SL
French B (HL/SL)
ISS EAL-Supported English
ISS EAL-Supported Mathematics
Japanese A Literature (HL/SL)
Korean A Literature (HL/SL)
Language A Literature Self Taught SL
Mandarin AB Initio SL
Mathematics Analysis and Approaches (SL/HL)
Mathematics Applications and Interpretations (SL)
Social Science
Specialised Courses
Systems of Scientific Thinking
Chinese A Literature (HL/SL)
Chinese B
English A Language and Literature (SL/HL)
English B (HL/SL)
English for Academic Purposes
French AB Initio SL
French B (HL/SL)
ISS EAL-Supported English
ISS EAL-Supported Mathematics
Japanese A Literature (HL/SL)
Korean A Literature (HL/SL)
Language A Literature Self Taught SL
Mandarin AB Initio SL
Mathematics Analysis and Approaches (SL/HL)
Mathematics Applications and Interpretations (SL)
Social Science
Spanish AB Initio SL
Specialised Courses
Systems of Scientific Thinking
At the heart of the HSD programme is a commitment to student-centred learning. Our teachers are not just instructors but mentors and guides who inspire and support students to become self-directed learners, critical thinkers, and problem solvers. The curriculum integrates content knowledge with skill development, providing opportunities for students to engage in real-world projects and authentic learning experiences. This approach ensures that students not only grasp academic concepts but also apply them to create meaningful impact both locally and globally.
IBDP Courses: Students in the HSD programme have access to a range of IBDP courses in Language and Literature (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and English), Mathematics, and English Acquisition. These courses adhere to the International Baccalaureate content and assessment framework, enabling students to develop their skills and academic knowledge. Additionally, students have the option to pursue IB Diploma certificates in these areas, further enhancing their academic profile and university readiness.
Specialised Courses: The HSD programme features specialised courses structured around essential themes that allow students to delve into their interests in Sustainability, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Civic Engagement. These courses are challenging, transdisciplinary, and inquiry-based, encouraging students to engage in project-based learning that has real-world applications. Evidence of student learning is captured through a broad range of assessments and a comprehensive learning portfolio, showcasing the depth and breadth of their academic and personal growth.
Portfolio: The experiential portfolio is a cornerstone of the HSD programme, enabling students to extend their learning beyond the classroom and address real-world challenges. This portfolio is a dynamic compilation of global stewardship projects, awareness campaigns, entrepreneurial ventures, and personal and professional profile development. Through this process, students transfer and apply their knowledge, honing competencies that positively impact local and global issues. The portfolio also serves as a powerful tool for presenting competitive profiles during university applications.
Capstone Project: The capstone project represents the pinnacle of the HSD learning experience at ISS. This cumulative project challenges students to create impactful, innovative, and authentic solutions to real-world problems. Students begin by reviewing the skills necessary to undertake the project, selecting a topic, formulating a central research question, and conducting initial research. They then propose a practical application of their project, developing a comprehensive plan for its completion during their final year. Throughout this process, students collaborate closely with academic mentors and field experts, ensuring their projects are rigorous and relevant.
The ISS High School Diploma programme is more than just an academic pathway; it is a transformative experience that empowers students to take charge of their education, develop a global perspective, and impact the world around them. Through a combination of innovative teaching, specialised courses, and real-world application, the HSD programme prepares students for success in higher education and beyond, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to thrive in an ever-changing global landscape.
Students who choose the ISS HSD pathway can take a combination of International Baccalaureate (IB) and ISS HSD courses. Regardless of their subject choice, students are required to attain a minimum of 23 credits over their 4-year journey in order to graduate. A student must also complete the Service as Action programme in Grades 9 and 10, and a Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS) programme in Grades 11 and 12.
1. English
2. Social Studies
3. Maths
4. Science
5. Language other than English
6. Electives
Total minimum credits
Learning Support
In keeping with our mission, vision and values, ISS aims to help each student to reach his or her potential by maintaining an inclusive, nurturing, enriching and empowering learning culture. Once we determine student eligibility for our Learning Support program and confirm that we have sufficient staff and resources to support the student, a student plan is created including learning strengths, challenges, accommodations, goals, teaching strategies, and level of adjustment. Our ISS Learning Support Team, familiar with learning profiles and strategies for differentiated instruction, supports students in our inclusive environment.
Determination of Learning Support
Students with current psycho-educational reports are assigned a case manager. If a student presenting learning needs has not been formally assessed, we follow our Learning Support Referral Process. Eligible students are placed on one of four Levels of Adjustment, reflecting the amount and type of support needed: Levels of Adjustment.
To participate in inclusive classrooms, Level 1 students require in-class differentiated support in a specific area of learning above that which is provided to all students. Level 2 students require accommodations across one or more areas of learning. Level 3 students require significant accommodations or modifications across more than one area of learning. Level 4 students require significant modifications in multiple areas of learning and support of a shadow teacher.
Please refer to this link for information on our Learning Support guidelines.